
Agro Technology

30+ Global Partners

We are transferring agro technology into Sudan in partnership with over 30 major partners whom are shaping the future of agriculture globally


The Group initiated the concept of localisation of modern agricultural technologies by establishing the first private "Technology Transfer Centres' in Sudan aimed at developing farmers' level of expertise and keeping them up to speed on the latest development in the field.

The main objective of these TTCs is to facilitate the efficient transfer of agriultural technology to the farming communities in Sudan's major agricultural areas through:

01 Capacity Building

Most of Sudan’s 9.5 million farmers are considered subsistence farmers, applying traditional agricultural practices, with very limited use of technology and necessary inputs. Our Centres work closely with local communities to introduce modern agricultural practices as well as agro-technology packages.

02 Field Demonstrations

Our teams conduct field demonstrations and educational seminars to increase awareness and share success stories between farmers to reduce the reluctance to change and increase the adoption rate of best practices

03 Supply of Inputs and Machinery

Another key objective of our TTCs network is to introduce and train farmers on the various mechanized solutions available depending on size and crop. This also requires a special focus on smoothening the supply of inputs/ implements and spare parts especially in-season

04 Technical Support & Consultation

The TTCs are staffed with qualified agronomists, agro-engineers, and technicians all of whom are there to provide agricultural advice to farmers in the field or at the centres. We have also developed an Agro App which facilitates and eases the communication and access to expert advice from our teams.

Our Network

Our aim is to be ever present and closer to our farmers across all regions of Sudan. At present, our network is rapidly expanding to include more fragile states that have suffered in the past from lack of public investment.


500K Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Vegetables, Hay, Potato and Corn

Al Dammer

1M Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Hay and Wheat Production


2M Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Sugar Cane

Al Gadarif

5M Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Sesame, Sorghum, Cotton & Sunflower


3.6M Feddan Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Millet, and Horticulture


2M Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Millet, Sorghum, and Horticulture




600K Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Wheat and Vegetables

Al Fula

5.4M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Millet, and Horticulture

Al Deain

2.6M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Sorghum, Millet, and Horticulture

Al Fashir

600K Acres Serviceable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Millet, and Horticulture


1.8M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Sorghum, and Horticulture

Al Ginaynah

1M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Millet, and Horticulture

Al Dabbah

2.4M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Hay and Wheat


1.2M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Vegetables and Horticulture

El Obied

2.6M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Red Sesame, Horticulture and Millet

Red Sea

300K Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Sorghum and Millet


2M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Cotton, Wheat, Vegetables and Groundnut


3.5M Acres Servicable by TTC

Main Crops - Groundnuts, Millet, and Horticulture
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CTC Group is an independent, socially responsible, and engaged organisation.

We are committed to behave ethically, contribute to sustainable development and improve the quality of life of our workforce and their families.

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