
CTC's recent sustainability efforts

23 Oct 2022

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Flood assistance packages, aid for conflict ridden areas and keeping lions cozy among some of CTC’s recent CSR efforts


CTC Group’s CSR efforts were fairly diversified this past month. Throughout this array of efforts, CTC demonstrated being both proactive and swiftly responsive to changing geographic circumstances. 

This fall, the people of Sudan have suffered from a natural disaster embodied in nile flooding in Kassala and Almanagil. Meanwhile, conflict in the Blue Nile State brought forth injurious bloodshed to surrounding areas. CTC partnered with ‘Save The Children’ to provide food aid to conflict affected Blue Nile areas. Moreover, in support of flooded suburbs of Kassala and Almanagil, CTC organized a convoy to personally deliver supplies to the disaffected, the supplies included:

  • Water tanks
  • Mosquito nets
  • Blankets
  • Medical drugs
  • Sprayers & insecticides to control diseases

On another note, and in celebration of the introduction of CTC Group into yet another market, CTC has also made a donation to Sudan Animal Rescue Center. The grant came in the context of CTC Group’s entrance into the solar energy industry through Digitech Electro-Mechanical. The donation was represented in a 5 KVA solar power plant that helps supplying the non-profit Center’s lions, hyenas, gazelles and many other species with electricity. 

Also tagged along to the visit to Sudan Animal Rescue Center were the top grade scoring middle school students from the Sudan Center for Down syndrome. CTC Group believes its honoring of these children at the Rescue center is still of insufficient justice to their notable efforts.


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